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Summer volunteers in Kenya on a car in the Soysambu Conservancy

August Volunteer Opportunities: Best Countries Summer 2024

Want to Volunteer Abroad in Summer 2024? There’s still time!

By Thom Brown | 24th June, 2022
Updated on 08th December, 2023

Summer volunteering is a popular option for travellers seeking meaningful trips. As we enter the hotter months, though, you may be wondering whether it’s too late to book. Organising a volunteer abroad adventure can require serious prep.

But don’t worry - there’s still time! With our help, you can put together a volunteer trip in time for August. You just have to be clever with your choice of destination and project.

Where are the best August volunteer opportunities? We recommend:

More on them below, but first, what factors make for a great last-minute volunteer trip?

How to Choose Last-Minute Volunteer Trips

When deciding where to volunteer this summer, there are a few factors to consider: affordability, accessibility, requirements, and level of support.

Cost of Flights

As any seasoned traveller knows, flight prices fluctuate wildly according to date and destination. In some cases, last-minute flight costs can skyrocket while other times, you’ll spot a steal. We can help you sniff out the most convenient and cost-effective options.

We’ve looked at all our destinations and determined which ones have the best flight prices. The summer volunteering options listed below all include destinations with reasonable flights available. We can’t control how much airlines charge to take you to the world’s most amazing places, but we’ll support you in your search for the best deal.

Visa Process

Some volunteer destinations, like Ghana or Fiji, require a visa application, which can take time. Others, though, offer instant e-Visas or visas on arrival. This cuts down on the paperwork required upfront. We’re always on hand to help, but you can do your own visa research on the government foreign travel advice page.

The volunteer options below include countries that offer quick and easy visas. These are ideal last-minute volunteer opportunities with limited pre-travel planning. We’ll help you prepare everything beforehand so that you’re ready to hop on a plane and start your journey.

Note: Visa requirements change all the time. If in doubt, ask our Project Experts.

Project Requirements

The destination is important, but the volunteer project you opt for also matters. Some require more planning than others. When searching for last-minute volunteer trips, choose one with minimal requirements. This will speed up the application and planning process.

Most of our trips don't require any special qualifications and we can complete background checks for over 18s quickly. Our Project Experts will let you know if they need more time but they can usually work fast to get you fully signed up for your dream project.

Staff Support

Projects Abroad staff will get your application approved quickly, so we can put everything in place to send you abroad this summer. We’ll always be honest about what’s logistically possible on short notice and do our best to organise your dream last-minute volunteer trip.

With all that in mind, where are the best last-minute volunteering opportunities this August?

Volunteer in Kenya This August

Last-minute volunteers in Kenya, by a sign in Nanyuki

Kenya is one of our most popular destinations, especially in summer. Volunteers marvel at the lush landscape, from the beautiful ​​Bamburi Beach to the mesmerising Mount Kenya. Immerse yourself in the sounds of the lion’s roar or the laughter of local children.

Keen to head out there soon? This is possible because of Kenya’s e-Visa scheme, which will be processed within three days after you apply online. For more information on how to prepare to volunteer in Kenya, follow the project link below.

Giraffe and Lion Conservation

Giraffe Conservation Project in Kenya

Nowhere has more majestic animals than Kenya. This giraffe and lion Conservation Project is perfect if you want to meet wildlife up close and work towards their continued survival. Get ready to spot:

  • Rothschild’s giraffe
  • Lions
  • Leopards
  • Buffalo
  • Hippos
  • Gazelle

You’ll be based at the Soysambu Conservancy in the ancient Great Rift Valley. Living in the heart of Kenya’s untamed wilderness, you’ll form a deep connection to the natural world. You’ll work with conservationists to monitor lions and giraffes while helping restore their natural habitats.

For many, this last-minute volunteering opportunity comes once in a lifetime. You don’t need to spend years preparing for it, though - let us know if you’re ready to look into the eyes of a Kenyan lion this summer.

Learn more about Giraffe and Lion Conservation in Kenya

Summer Volunteering in Tanzania

Last-minute volunteering opportunities in Tanzania

Witness 1.5 million wildebeest marching through the grassland of the Serengeti in one of Earth’s most spectacular locations. Home to Africa’s largest lion population, Tanzania understands the true value of nature. Volunteers are needed to help the local community thrive.

Tanzania uses a visa-on-arrival scheme. This means that the paperwork is completed at the border, saving you time beforehand. That’s why we think it would be a perfect destination for anyone looking to do last-minute volunteering this summer.

For specific project ideas, we recommend volunteering in Medicine and Human Rights. Discover more about them below.

Medicine Internship

Volunteer on a summer Medicine Project in Tanzania

Our internship programmes are a chance to build professional skills that will benefit your career while leaving a positive impact on communities. In Tanzania, you can help provide much-needed services to local people while learning your trade. A Medicine Internship is a fantastic way to do this.

This internship allows you to rotate departments to get a broad overview of how professionals work in a medical setting. This has the potential to be a hands-on learning experience, giving you access to more tasks as you gain the trust of hospital staff.

Tasks may include:

  • Testing blood pressure
  • Testing blood sugar
  • Dressing wounds
  • Measuring patient height and weight
  • Attending surgery workshops

By shadowing hospital workers, you’ll gain direct experience. During your community outreach work, raise awareness of conditions like diabetes while exchanging medical knowledge between yourself, medical staff, and patients.

It’s not all work, though. Don’t miss the chance to admire the free-roaming elephants, rhinos, and lions on a safari. You can also experience a unique culture at a nearby Maasai village or lose yourself among the lush foothills of Africa’s highest mountain, ​​Kilimanjaro.

This could be your life in just a few weeks - start your application today!

Learn more about Medicine Internships in Tanzania

Human Rights Internship

Human Rights Project in Tanzania

If you’re looking into a career related to law, then a Human Rights Internship can help you achieve this dream. At the same time, it’s a chance to help protect the rights of the Tanzanian people.

In particular, your work will focus on defending the rights of women and children. Tanzania adopted multiparty democracy in 1992 and has since worked to enshrine the rights of its citizens, but there's still work to be done.

That’s where you come in. Your volunteer work in Tanzania will give you an understanding of the problems different communities face and how to improve the situation.

You'll focus on the following areas:

  • Gender equality
  • Children’s rights
  • Inheritance
  • Property and land rights
  • Violence against women
  • Minority rights

You’ll gain first-hand experience of how the legal process works, being able to sit in on court hearings, give interviews, and run educational workshops. Learn about the vital importance of human rights through the lens of Tanzania.

When it’s time to relax, you can explore the vibrant markets, visit a Maasai village, hike in the wilderness at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, and spot Earth’s most amazing mammals on a safari. It may sound like a dream, but it could become your reality in the next couple of months.

Learn more about Human Rights Internships in Tanzania

August ​​Volunteering Opportunities in Nepal

Himalayan mountain on Nepal volunteer projects

The Himalayan Mountains are the most mystical and awe-inspiring on Earth. It’s no wonder that Nepal, Buddha’s birthplace, instils a spiritual wonder in all who visit. It’s on the bucket list of many travellers, but you might view this as a distant land that requires excessive preparation.

While all overseas programmes require planning, Nepal is a great place to search for last-minute volunteer opportunities. You can fill in your tourist visa form online and then collect it on arrival. That leaves more time for fun stuff like buying mountain-ready clothes.

Nepal is one of the most breathtaking countries on the planet (and it’s not just the altitude). However, like many countries, it also has its share of social hardship. Why not spend this August combining a mountain holiday with volunteering?

Medical Internships for Teenagers

Medical interns on a project in Nepal

Teenagers looking to volunteer often want something that will add to their CV. If you’re aged 15-18, then you might prefer a vocational internship. Under the constant supervision of staff, you’ll work in hospitals, clinics, and schools to help with essential medical tasks.

To help improve the health of Nepali society, you will:

  • Shadow doctors in hospitals
  • Rotate through several medical departments
  • Attend medical lectures and workshops
  • Work at a dental outreach in a local school

All medical staff need time off, though, even high school volunteers. Take incredible jungle drives, canoe down pristine mountain rivers, tune into your body with yoga, and wander wide-eyed through the ancient city of Kritipur.

Most people dream of one day seeing the dramatic beauty of the Himalayas in person. We can help you make that dream a reality sooner than you might have thought possible.

Learn more about Medical Internships in Nepal

Childcare for Teenagers

Childcare volunteers in Nepal

Our High School Specials give teenagers the chance to support communities around the world. While in Nepal, consider a Childcare Project for the chance to make your mark.

Last-minute volunteering with children is a rewarding way for teenagers to build their skills and learn about different cultures. In the Himalayan city of Kathmandu, you’ll live surrounded by awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Your days will be spent in schools, where local children will teach you just as much as you teach them.

During your programme, you will:

  • Plan lessons
  • Organise games
  • Make crafts
  • Renovate classrooms
  • Clean up the community
  • Plant gardens

Leave knowing you’ve helped provide extra care and attention to children in an otherwise understaffed school. On the weekend, you'll visit the lake at Pokhara, where you can explore caves and temples.

This is the perfect August volunteering opportunity because teenagers don’t need to wait around for a background check. We can get your application fast-tracked so that you’re ready to head to a Nepali school in a matter of weeks.

Learn more about Childcare in Nepal

Building Volunteer Work

Building volunteer on summer trip to Nepal

Looking to get stuck into some physical volunteer work? Building Projects are a great way to leave a tangible mark on the communities you visit. In 2015, Nepal was hit by a severe earthquake that damaged over 600,000 structures. To this day, volunteers continue to rebuild these, making them fit for human use. Why not join the effort?

You’ll work in the shadow of the mighty Himalayas, with ancient temples around every corner. After just a few weeks of building, you’ll see your hard work paying off. At the same time, you’ll be gaining construction skills that could help in your career.

Your daily tasks will include:

  • Organising building materials
  • Preparing cement
  • Laying foundations
  • Creating classroom frames
  • Building walls
  • Installing roofing
  • Decorating classrooms
  • Painting educational murals

Life in Nepal will always be a transcendental experience, whether you’re trekking in the foothills of Annapurna or sauntering down the streets of Kathmandu. Breathe in the ancient air while building a brighter future for Nepal.

Learn more about Building Volunteer Work in Nepal

Other August Volunteering Opportunities

Above is just a small selection of the possibilities to volunteer abroad this summer. Here are a few more projects you could join if you act fast:

  • Childcare in Cambodia for Teenagers: Like all our High School Specials, teenagers don't need a background check to volunteer in schools. That means we can process your application quickly. Cambodia is one of our most popular destinations for volunteering in August. Outside of volunteer work, you'll visit the iconic Angkor Wat!
  • Sea Turtle Conservation in Sri Lanka: We can arrange a quick turnaround on trips to Sri Lanka. If you book today, you could be heading off to Sri Lanka in a matter of weeks! You'll work from idyllic beaches to collect turtle hatchlings before safely releasing them into the wild.
  • Animal Rehab in Peru: Imagine travelling to the Amazon Rainforest this summer to protect vulnerable animals. There's still time to sign up for the adventure of a lifetime and do conservation work in Peru. Last-minute flights can be expensive, but it's worth taking a look to see what you can find.

There are so many August volunteer opportunities and still time to book! We’re here to help you find the perfect last-minute volunteering programme, no matter where you want to go and what you want to do.

Volunteer abroad this summer!

Get in touch now to start your application.

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Ready to book an August volunteer trip?

Get in touch to discuss your options for this summer

01273 007 230

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